Self Help

Landlord Procedure

Landlord Tenant Assistance Center (LTAC) is a neutral resource for both landlords and tenants who want information about the eviction process.

You may reach them by phone at (661) 610-6299, or via email at .

You can also visit to speak with a legal assistant in their department during their walk-in hours.

Their walk-in hours are:

Monday – Thursday – 8AM-2PM

Friday – 8AM-12PM

It is in your best interests to seek legal advice from a licensed attorney if you are unclear about how to proceed in your matter,  but if you only need up to date information and/or forms, LTAC is a fantastic resource.


For resources for both Landlords and Tenants curated by the State of California, click here

You may wish to review this Judicial Council prepared web page on the subject of unlawful detainers from the perspective of landlords.  It is organized in a systematic way with links to forms you may use.

If you would like access to LexisNexis Digital Library, and instructions on how to find materials on the subject of Landlord-Tenant matters, please contact the Law Library staff for your free account to use the Digital Library wherever you have internet access.

Get In touch

More Information


Monday - Thursday:
1-3:30 available by appointment only

Location and Phone

1415 Truxtun Ave, Rm. 301 Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 610-6325

Available Services

Including library services & resources availble for use

Information and Guidance

For example, which forms to complete and how to file them.